Romantic Self-Driving Tour of Portugal’s Historic Villages

An Unmissable Portugal Road Trip…

Penha Garcia

Penha Garcia

A charming village near the border in Beira Baixa, it is part of a route that explores historical villages. It offers picturesque streets and traditional fla...
Penha Garcia is a charming village located a few kilometers from the border in Beira Baixa. It is part of the Penha Garcia, Monsanto, Idanha-a-Velha and Castelo Novo Route, which allows visitors to explore the historical villages in the region. In addition to its characteristic charm, Penha Garcia offers a unique experience with its picturesque streets and traditional flavors. The route also includes a visit to Monsanto, known as the Most Portuguese Village in Portugal, and the Historic Village of Idanha-a-Velha, where visitors can step back in time and explore the ruins of an ancient Roman city.